Thursday, April 2, 2020


First off, I'm the world's worst at consistently writing things down. I've tried journaling, keeping a diary, etc. and for the life of me, I can't seem to do it for more than a couple days in a row!  In fact, this introduction has taken me at least 2 days to write. What can I say? I'm a procrastinator of the highest degree (which is why I don't write for a living-I would never eat!). I love to write, and my mom would tell you it's one of my greatest strengths. And I'm wordy in general-I never believe in using less than 300 words at any given time, or at least, that's probably what some of my friends would tell you. I'm fairly detail-oriented so I believe that's partly why I tend to be so verbose in absolutely everything.  I had an old blog, but quite honestly?  When you look back at things you wrote 2, 5, or 10 years ago, it just makes you want to cringe and erase it all! So, here I am starting over at something I probably won't be real great at updating regularly.

That said, you likely already know me in real life-otherwise, you probably wouldn't be reading this.  But, just in case you don't know me well or you're a total stranger, here are 20 "fun" facts about me you might like to know (they make great answers to trivia questions at parties):

1. I'm a born and raised Texan-and yes, I have a LOT of state pride! 

2. I was homeschooled from K-12 by my mom and with my older sister--I wouldn't change that at all. In fact, it's a desire of mine that, if I ever marry and have kids, I want to homeschool.

3. I was a preacher's kid for nearly 28 years--that in and of itself is a blog-worthy topic.

4. I was a licensed veterinary technician (LVT) for 4 years. I let my license expire over a year ago because I had no interest in returning to that field. Again, another blog-worthy topic I won't expound on right now! 

5. I graduated from Mississippi State University in 2013-I loved my time in Starkville and if I could do it over again I would! Just maybe with a slightly different outlook and perspective than I initially had (let's be honest: at times my attitude was awful and I was not a fun person to be around!)

6. I currently work for Texas A&M as a laboratory technician in their veterinary diagnostic lab. 

7. I own 2 neutered male cats, Bilbo and Frodo-both are orange tabbies (Frodo has white on him). 

8. When I have spare time, I write Star Wars fanfiction (you can find it listed on my profile!)

9. I sing in choir and praise team at my church, and I serve on the intercessory prayer team as well.

10. I've only been to the State Fair of Texas once (that I remember).

11. I hate snakes

12. I have slight acrophobia (fear of heights)

13. I am not a fan of the water-if it's not a pool, you probably won't find me swimming in it. The only exception, with difficulty, is the Illinois River in Tahlequah, OK. I don't like water that's a) not chlorinated and clear, and b) "open" (not enclosed by 4 walls)

14. I love to read-if you saw my bookshelves, you'd say I have a problem.

15. I love coffee

16. When I was younger, I used to be able to gallop on all fours like a horse-and no, there is no video of this to my knowledge! 

17. I love a wide variety of music and movies-musicals, classics, noir, mystery, name it and I've probably seen it! I own a wide variety of movie genres. Music is eclectic, everything from Christian rap, to classical, to instrumental or acapella, musical soundtracks, country, etc. 

18. My favorite holiday season is Christmas. 

19. My favorite season overall is springtime-it's not blazing hot (usually), things are blooming and it's just refreshing!

20. I am an aunt to 2 nieces and a nephew-you will probably read about them at some point because they are a major part of my life!

Last, but definitely not least: I'm a Jesus follower. This means I'll be writing quite a bit about Him-things He's done in my life and things He's currently doing. The road of sanctification is H-A-R-D, so it'll be a common topic. Part of the reason I decided to create a new blog is because of all that's going on with COVID-19. While I'm able to go to work (and thankful for it!), I do have a bit more time on my hands since social contact is severely limited during the week. Likely, my very next post (or official first post) will be about COVID-19 and how it's impacted me personally. I mean, it's what's going on, right?  Though if you're like me, you're honestly a bit sick of hearing about it and wishing things would go back to "normal"; though I'm not really sure what "normal" was anyway!

Hope you aren't too scared off and you'll return to read my first official post, which will be written as soon as I have some of that free time again. :) 

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